CanadaPeds is not a manufacturer and does not produce any drugs. We do not do we recommend the use of any drugs without the recommendation of a medical professional and a valid prescription. We are not medical professionals and do not recommend the use of any of the products available on this website.
None of the information listed on this website should be considered medical advice.
By using this site, you acknowledge that:
->You are over the age of 19.
->CanadaPeds is not a drug manufacturer or promoter.
->CanadaPeds is a licensed and legal entity, and is in compliance with all the regulatory laws in its respective jurisdictions.
->Prior to placing an order, the client will conduct the necessary due diligence on the legalities of any product based on their country’s jurisdiction. The client will only place an order for products that are legal to be obtained in their country.
->Under no circumstance will CanadaPeds provide services to clients residing in the United States of America.
->If a product requires a prescription in a client’s country, the order will only be filled with the provision of a valid prescription.
->By accessing this website, you agree to hold anyone that is possibly affiliated with “” free from any civil/criminal liabilities that could possibly arise from your country of jurisdiction. CanadaPeds will not violate the law of any country.
->Once payment is received for an order, there is no refund policy in place nor can we make any changes to the order
-> You are solely responsible for any potential side effects of any of the products obtained through this website.
-> You agree to all our policies – Including everything stated in our Terms of Service Page, Privacy Policy Page, and FAQ Page.